Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

r 314 tnodities as Exiles can well look for : Here is alfo ` a Church ; and now (God be thanked) wellquieted ` by the Prudency ofMaifter Cox and others which met here for that Purpofe : So that now we fruit God hath provided for fuch as will fly forth of ` Babylon, a refling Place, where they may truly ferve him, and hear the Voice of their true Paftor." This Letter bears Date May 6. içSi. Thofe who were firft at Francfort took Potfeffion of the Church, as Mr. N. admits, ;July 29. t 554. In nine Months therefore, at mot}, after that Poffeflion, Dr. Cox and his Friends hadfettled theChurch at Francfort ; and yet Mr..A . affirms, that ` he brought in the Service- ` Book, with a highHand, by which thofe who had ` been in Pofefiìon of the Church almoft twoYears, ` were obliged to depart the City, and let up their Worfhip in another Place." Mr. N. would have it thought, that thofe fewPerfons who firft arriv'd at Francfort had a better Right to the Church there than the reft of their Countrymen : The Magifirates of Troubles of Francfort were more hofpitable than this : ` A gene- Francfort, ` ral Grant was made at their firf} coming thither to p.24.. ` the wholeNation." So that the few Families who firft arrived therewere blameable for departing from their fuffering Countrymen, and going upon a new Plan; and not the Congregation, afterwards more numerous, for preferring a Formwhichhad lomany Arguments, efpecially at fuch aJungure, torecom- mend it. 13ifhopBurnet gives the followingcandid Hitt Reform. Account of this Matter. ` At Francfort an unhappy ro& 17, p.339. ` Difference fell in among fome of them who had ` ufed before theEnglifhLiturgy, and did afterwards comply with it, when theywere inEngland, where it had Authority from the Law; yet they thought, that, being in foreign Parts, they fhould rather ac- commodate their Worthip to thofe among whom 4 they lived : So, int}ead of the Englrfh Liturgy, they ` ufedone near the Geneva and French Forms. Others thought, that when thole in England whohad coin- :piled their Liturgy were now confirming what ` they had done with their Blood, and many more were fuffering for it, it was an high Contempt of ` them and . their Sufferings, to depart from thefe Forms. This Contradigion railed that Heat, that Dr. Cox,