Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

315 3 ` Dr.Cox, who lived in Strarburgh, with his Friend ` Peter Martyr, went thither ; and being a Man of great Reputation, procured an Order from theSe- ` nate, that the Englfh Forms should onlybe ufed in ` their Church. This Diffention being once raifed, went farther than perhaps it was at fir(t intended : For thofe who at fira liked the Geneva Way bet- ` ter, that, being in foreign Parts, they might all feem to beunited in the fame Form, now began to guar- ` rel at force things in the Englifh Liturgy; and Knox being aMau of a hot Temper, engaged in this Matter very warmly, and got his Friend Calvin to write fomewhat tharplyof force things in theEng- ` li/h Service: This made Knox and his Party leave Francfort, and go to Geneva. Knox had altowrit- ` ten indecently of the Emperor; which obliged the Senate of Francfort to require him to be gone out of their Bounds Certainly they began the Breach, who departed from the Way of Worthip which they acknowledged was both lawful and ` good; but there followed too much Animofity on both Sides. This Warmth continued, after they removed strype's Mem. from Francfort, as appears from a remarkable Let- Eccl. Vol. M. ter of yohn Bale, late Bithop of 0`fory, who wasp. 243. now removed from Francfort to Bafil, with many others, upon the Diffentions there. He wrote to Mr. f1/hley, who enquired into the State of the Church at Bafzl. ' The State of our Church is troublous at this prefentTheApoilles faid, that ' in latter Times should come Mockers, Liars, Blafphemers, and fierce Defpifers : We have them, we have them, Mailer Afhley, we have them then, even from among our felves : Yea, they be at this prefent our Elders, and their fa&i- ' ous Affinity. When we require to have Common Prayers, according to our Englifh Order, they tell us, that the Magi(lrate will in no Cafe fuffer it; ' which is a molt manifeû Lye: They mock the ' Rehearfal of God's Commandments, and of the Epililes and Gofpels in our Communion, and fay they are mifplaced. They blafpheme our Communion, calling it a Popith Mafs, and fay, that it bath a Popith Face, with other fierce De- ' fpifings-