Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 319 ] ' Men of the fame Principles with them, under ' Pretence of Ecclefiaflical Difcipline (the chief- eft whereof they would have to conffl in Excom- munication) had been the Authors of great Trou- bles and Changes in the Palatinate." Mr. Sirypa has in the faneplace preferved a Letter from another eminent foreign Divine, Bollinger, to the Bithopof Winton. ' As he rejoiced that God had given our ' Church fuch an excellent Princefs as Q. Elizabeth, ' for the propagating the Gofpel, fo he expreft much Grief, that there were a fort of Men among us, that, by their unfeafonable Contending about indif- ferent things, put fuch Obflacles in the way of the Reformation, and made a Schifm in the Church; ' he Chewed how fuch were in their Church at the Beginning of their Reformation, who thought no- ' thingpure enough; and thereupon feparated them- ' felve, and fet up Conventicles; and this begat va- rious Sees and Schifms but afterwards their Hypocrify and Diforder came to be known, and ' they foon came to nothing. N's Hifl. p. 539. Some of the Collecrfs were a little altered, ' and thus the Book [of Common- Nobis certè ab eo tempore cum vans iflis rixatoribus nihil res fuit, qui neque ad nos unquam fcripferunt, neque aliquid a nobis profe&um ja&ari poterunt. Nam non multo poll evidentius apparuit quid molirentur quando in Palatinatu fub Difciplina Ecclefiafticz pratextu, cujus illi caput & fummam in Excommunicatione conftituunt, mu- tationis primi Authores fuerunt, qua EccIefias illas vehe- menter concuffit. Gualter. Dolet autem nobis non mediocriter, quód in propagan- da ventate, inque dilatandis Ecclefia pomo`riis, tot vobis fe objiciunt ()Macula atque Remora, ab iliis quoque exor- ta', qui maximè Evangelici volunt videri. Verúm per initia Reformationis Ecclefiæ nottra, eadem nos exercuit moleftia. Erant enim quibus nihil in reformando fatis pu- rum videbatur, unde & ab Ecclefia fete fegtegabant, & conventicula peculiaria conftituebant, qua mox fequeban- tur Schifmata & fe&a varia. Qua jucundum fpe&aculum exhibebant hoftibus noftris Papi{ticis. Sed innotuit tan. dem ipforum Hypocritis& Ataxia, fuaque (ponte diftluxere. Liberabit hac moleftia & vos baud dubiè demen's & mi- fericors Dominus, C../c. Bollinger. Prayer]