321 N's Hitt. p. 15g. ` The Queen had a CruciaK, 8 with theB1effed Virgin, and St. John, tint in her Chapel: And when Sandys Bithop of Worcefler (poke to her againft it, the threatned to deprive him, and ifrued out a Proclamation, &c. For this he quotes Bithop Burnet, Vol.1I1. p. aqt. TheBithop's Words in that Place are there. ` Upon this, he ( Bithop Sandyr) had fpoleen freely to the ` Queen; with that the was fo dìfpleafed, as to threaten to deprive him. She wasfnce that time more foftened, and the Images were removed. This Mr. N. entirel'y fupprefs'd; and (by joining the Fats together, the threatned to deprive t`ie Bi- ihop, and itfued out a Proclamation, &c.) endea- vours to load the Queen's Memory for ilfuing that Proclamation, only defigned to prevent defacing of Monuments in Churches, and taking away Bells andLead (which Circumftance he alto omits) and committing great Diforders. Thefe Monuments thus guarded by the Queen's Proclamation, were only Monuments of Antiquity, being let up in Churches, or other publick Places, for Memory, and not for Superftition. ` The Mifchiefs of de- ` molithing thefe Monuments are reckoned to be, i. That thefe Churches and Places were fpoiled and ruinated. 2. The good and honourable Me- .' mory of virtuous and noble Perlons extinguith'd. Stryge An. I. 3. The true underttanding of divers Families in iS8 the Realm, who have defcended of the Blood of-. ` the fame Perfons, darkened. 4. The true Courre ` of their Inheritance hereby might hereafter be in- ' terrupted, contrary toJuftice, &c." Can fuch a Proclamation, with any Juftice, be brought t4 fup- port a Charge of Supetllition and Idolatry ? N's Hirt. p.176. ' The Queen told the Archbi- ` !hop in Anger, th* the intended to publith other Injundtions, which his Grace underflood to be in Favour of Popery. Upon which the Archbithop writ to the Secretary, that he was lorry theQueen's Mind was fo turned; but, in fuch a Cafe, he fhould think it his Duty to obey God rather than a Man. What