C 322 What the Archbithop immediately adds in his Letter does, in a great Mealure, excufe the Queen. This Mr. N. thought proper to omit: ` The Arch- Lifeof Parker ` bithop (as Mr. Stripe adds) attributed thereWords p. 109. ` of the Queen to force Humanus , E/iur, fudden Heat, incident to human Nature, conceived upon untrue Reports railed againft them by their Ene- ` mies, and doubted not but her Majefly would well confider inMatters of fuch Importance, and ufe Theodofius's Days of Deliberation ; and he truued, that, as the had beganGodly in this good Work [of Reforming Religion] fo God would flay her Heart, and move.her to go on, and to N's Hiaory, ` finith." Mr. .1V defcribes Arch bifhop Parker, as P. 341, a Man, whole ` Religion confided in a fervile Obedience to the Queen's Injunctions." This whole Letter, in Oppofition to what the Queen had done or threatned, is a full Vindication of him from that Charge. The Reader will judge by this one Paffage. ` I fhouldbe forry (lays the goodArch- ` bithop) that the Clergy Mould have Cattle to Phew Difobedience, with Oportet Deo obedire magis srrype ibid. ` Guam Hominibus; and what Inffillers foever there Md. Append.' be, there be enough of this contemptible Flock, that will not (brink too fer tbeir Blood for the De- ` fence of Chrifl's Verity, if it be openly impugned, ` or fecretly fuggilled. N's Hill. p. 155. ` This Reverend Man, viz. Miles Coverdale (lays Mr. Strype) being now old ` and poor, Grindal, ßifhop ofLondon, gave him the fmall Living of St. Magnus at the Bridgefoot, ` where he preached quietly about two Years; but ` not coming up to the Conformity required, was perfecuted thence, and obliged to relinquifh his ` Parifh, a little before his Death, which happened May 20. 1567, at the Ageof St. He was a cele- bratedPreacher, but the A& ofUniformity brought " down his Reverend grey Hairs with Sorrow to the ` Grave. To confirm this Account, Mr. N. quotes Strype's ,flan. Vol. I. Fag. io5. It Mould be 4o5. Mr.Strype's Words are thefe. How altered by Mr. N.! This Reverend Man being now old and poor, the Bilhop