C323 ] Bithop of London committed to his Charge the Church of St. Magnus at the Bridgefoot ; but the ' Firft-fruits beingfixty Pounds fixteen Shilling and ` ten Pence (large Firtt- fruits for what Mr. N. calls ' afinal/ Living!) he was not able to pay ; which made him in the Month of January addrefs a Let- ' ter to the flrchbop, as he did likewife to the Bifhop of London, and to his Friends, the Lord Robert Dudley, and Secretary Cecil, that they, fetting his Age and his Poverty before the Queen, ' would prevail with her to forgive him that Debt ; which Favour was at length obtained for him. This Year the faid Father Coverdale went out Do&or of Divinity in one of our Univerfities ; ` which Degree he had obtained long before, in the Univerfityof Tubing in Germany. Coverdale, after two or threeYears, deceafed, viz. May 20. 154, at the Age of 8t ; living, as he promifed theArch- ` bithop, quiet, tho' not coming up, probably, to the Uniformity required. N's Hitt. p. 194.. ' Dr. Gaefl Bithop of Rochefter writ againli theCeremonies, to Secretary Cecil. For thisMr N. quotes his MS. and produces the Bithop as one that was on the Puritan Side of the Queftion. It happens, that this very Letter to Se- cretary Cecil is preferved in Mr. Strype. ThisLetter strype'sAn. r: is fo far from being againfi the Liturgy, that it was p. 8;. yd. defignedly wrote in Vindicationof it. ' Guefi (fays Append. Mr. Strype) convey'd the newService-Book to the Secretary, together with aLetter to him, contain- ' ing his Reafons for his own Emendations and Al- ' terations ; and therein particular Satisfa&ion given o unto divers things, many whereof Teem to have ' been Hints and Quetlions of the Secretary's, pur- fuant to the Settlement of the Liturgy: As 6rtt, ' whether fach Ceremonies as were lately taken away by King Edward's Book, might not be refumed, not being evil in themfelves ? i. e. whether the Po- ' pith Ceremonies might not be regored ? The Anfwer to this Queltion Mr. N. or his un- known MS. applies not to the Ceremonies taken away, but to thofe appointed by King Edward's Book. The Anfwer is that having been evil ufed, Y z and