Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 324 _ and once taken away, they ought not to be taken again. The Beginning of this Letter fufficiently Thews how abfurd it is to employ it againft the new Service-Book. ` Right Honourable, That you might ' well underftand, that I have neither ungodly al- lowed any thing againft the Scripture, neither un- ` fteadfafllydone any thing contrary to my Writing, ` neither rafhly, without}utt Caufe, put away it which might be well fuffered; nor undifcreetly, for No- ` velty, brought in that which might be better left ` out, I am fo bold to write to your Honour force ` Caufes ofthe Order taken in the newService." He concludes in this Manner. Thus, as 1 think, Ihave (hewed good Caufe why theService is fet forth in ` fuch fort as it is. God, for his Mercy in Chrilt, ` caufe the Parliament with one Voice to ena6t ir, . and the Realm, with true Heart, to ufe it." 'ris true, he was of Opinion, that the Pofture at the Sa- crament fhould be left indifferent; but it fhould alfo be remembered, that the Puritans offered fix Reafons againft the Habits, which Mr. N- has produced, p. 207. And the' he did not think proper to menti- on any Anfwer, but only fays, fomewerefor anfwer- ing the Reafons, yet did this very Dr. Gm.ff, Bifhop of Rochefter, very fullyanfwer thofeReafons of the Puritans; which Anfwer is both in Mr.Strype's Life ofParker, and Mr. Collier, where the Reafons are fet down. N's Hitt. p. zog. ` Humphreys made fo many ` Friends at Court, that at length he obtained a Toleration for himfelf, but had no Preferment in ` the Church till after ten or twelve Years, whenhe ` fubmitted to the Habits. Here again we have the MS. quoted, tho' it is Life of Par- effeEtually confuted by Mr. Strype. ` Humphreys, her, p. 181. ` forhis Ufefulnefi in the Univerfity, had aToleration, ` till ten or elevenYears after, when he comply'd, and, wore the Habits." But much within this time we find a new Preferment bellowed upon him. `In bid, 186. . ` fiveYears after he became Dean of Gloucefler, in the Year 1570, according to Wood's Athen. Oxon. How could this MS. fay, he had no Preferment in the Church till after ten Years. He was Regius Pro-