[ 325.] Profef%r of Divinity, and Prefident of Illagdalen College in Oxford, and continued fo all the time, notwithlanding his Noncompliance with the ap- pointed Habits. In five Years after he was made Dean of Gloucefier. After that he was made Dean Ann. p. 472. of l- 'rnchefter. The Reader muff pay little Regard toMr. N's Lamentations, or to his MS. when he obferves, that he complains that this Gentleman, Dr. Humphreys, who had fo many confiderable Sta- tions in the Church, and never was turn'd out of one of them, was denied Preferment"for his Puritanical Principles. Mr. Fuller, on thecontrary, fays, Not- Church Hift. withianding his Nonfubfcribing, he kept his Pro- Lib. IX. feiror's Place and Deanry of Winchefier as long P. So i. ' as he lived. N's Hitt. p. 2.Ire ' After much Perftrafion,and many Threatnings, Sixty One [ of the London Clergy] out of about One Hundred, were pre- ' vailed with to fubfcribe, and Thirty Seven abfo- Lifeof Par. lately refuted, of which laft Number, as the Arch- ker, p. 215. bilhop acknowledged, were fome of the belt Preachers [ were the bell, and force Preachers Six or Seven convenient fober Men pretending a Confcience; divers of them zealous, but of little Learning and Judgment. Thefe are the Words in the Author Mr. N. quotes] ' Thefe were immedi- ately fufpended, and put from all Manner of Mi- ' nifry, with Signification, that if they did not con- ' form within Three Months, they were to be de- ' prived. The Account we have in Strype's Annals and Ann. 462. Life of Archbilhop Grindal is much more full. They are both quoted by Mr. AT but he omits feve- ral material Circutnffances; in particular, that many of thofe who were fufpended, did come in within the three Months, and were not deprived. Any one that reads his difmal Account of the Danger of the N's Hillary Reformation, and Ruin of fo many poor Families, p. 217.' mutt imagine that they were all turned out of their Livings. ...But Mr. Strype lays, ' As molt did tub- ' fcribe at that time, fo about thirty flood out, and were fufpended; but many of thefe, within the three Months, came in. Y 2 Another