326 ] Another very important Circumflance omitted by Mr. N. is, that there were Papiftr among thofe who were Nonfuhfcribers. The Life of Grsndal, p. 99. gives the following Account. ' On thismemorable 24th of March, the Number that appeared at Lam- ` betb, as aforefaid, was 140; whereof only 3odid not fubfcribe; ofwhich Number (adds Mr. Strype) was my Journali(I, who, with many others, after.. ` wardsyielded and fubfcribed-._._.Some went over ` Sea, and there were Pap:fts chiefly; for among there Nonfnbfcribers were force Papifit. P. 223. ' To return to the London Clergy (lays Mr.N.) among the deprivedMinifters, SOME be- ' took themfelves to the Study of Phyfick; OTHERS entered upon fecular Employment; SOME went in- ' to Scotland or beyondSea; SOME got to be Chap- ` hills in Gentlemen's Families. The whole Number, Proteflants and Papifls, that were fufpended, was at moil but 37; many ofthere, as we have feen, complied, and were not deprived; thofewho did not, were difpofed of in thofe feveral Ways Mr.N. mentions: And yet, after all this, he adds, MANY who had large Families were reduced to Beggary ! " We have a Complaint in the fame Strain, p.1 a4. ' Thole (lays he) that could corn- ' ply with the Queen's Eflablifhment, were quickly preferred, hut the refi were neglefed." And yet, p. 181, and 183, five Years after this Complaint, he gives us large Catalogues, even half the Convoca- tion of the Puritan Side, that either fat by Virtueof their Dignities, Deanries, or Archdeaconries; or were ele&ed into Convocation, as Pro&ors for the Clergy. Even this' confiderable Number was not (if Mr. N. p. 183, is to be credited, againll himfelf, in p. 11,4.) the whole of thofe who were on that Side the Queflion. His Words are ; ' I mention thefe Names, not to detra& from the Merit of ` thofe that appeared for the prefent Etlablifhment; for many of them would have voted for the Alte- rations, but were awed by their Superiors, &c. N's Hill. p. 217. We have here a verypartial Re- prefentation of a Letter of Archbithop Parker's. 6 In