Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[327 e In one of his Letters (lays Mr. N.) he tells the ' Secretary, That if he was not better backed, there 6 would be fewer Wincheflers as is cleared, referring 6 toStephenGardiner, the bloody perfecutingBifhop ` ofWinchefter, in Queen Mary's Reign ; but for ` my Part, (lays he) fo that my Prince may win 6 Honour, 1 will be very gladly the Rock ofOffence; ` Since the Lord is my Helper, I will not fear what Man can do unto me ; nor will I be amufed or daunted, frernat mundos, ruat ccelum. This is the whole that Mr.N. quotes. Thofe that oppofed wearing the Habits well knew, they had the Earl of Leicefler and Sir Francis Knolys,strype's Ana. and fume others, their Friends at Court. They had, 462. it Teems, railed great Expe&átions from this Support. Upon which, the Archbifhop writes to the Secre- tary. Mr. N quotes Life of Parker, p. 2t9, 2, 10. for this Letter, but veryungeneroufly fuppreßes that Part of it which was molt advantageous to the Archbifhop'sChara&er. It hands thus in Mr. Strype The Archbifhop fignified all this to the Secretary 6 April 7. wifhing to underhand from him, what Likelihood there might be of this great Expeétari- ` on. As for his own Part, he profeffed, that whatfoever he had done, and did, was bona Con- ' fcientia; that he regarded God's Honour, and the ` Publick Zs:et; that he wifhed Obedience to the Queen's Highnefs and her Laws, which was the greateft Ettimationher Highnefs could have among ` her People; and that if this Matter fhould be over- ` turned, according to all thefe great Hopes, he laid ` he was at a Point to be ufed and abufed, nam fcio nos Epifcopos in hunt ufum pofatos effe; as he added, we be the Stiles over which Men will foonelt leap; and if we be thus backed [meaning thus flenderly backed, or not backed at all] there will be fewer GYinchefters, as is defired." For that was one of the odious Phrafes thefe Men bellowed upon the Bithops that urged Uniformity, calling them Winchefiers, pointing to Stephen Gardiner, that bloody, perfecuting Bithop of Wirachefter, inQueen Mary's Reign. But when he told the Secretary, there would be fewer Wincheflers, if they were no better backed; he intimated, that he faw that the Y 4 Favour