[ 328 J Favour Chewed to thefe Men tended to the Over- throw of all Bithops. ` But for my Part (he pro- ' ceeded) fo that my Prince may win Honour, either byflanding or relenting, I will be very gladlyLapis U-ffenfionis, &c. N's Hilt. p. 220. 6 There was (till one Door of Entrance into the Minifiry left open to thePuri- " tans, which the 4rchbifhop ufed all his Intere(t to thus, but could not prevail. It was a PRIVILEGE granted to the Univerfity of Cambridge BY POPE 6 A LE)AN1FR V1. to licenfe Twelve Mini[ters ` Yearly to preach any where throughout England- -- 6 Here his Grace met with a Dr a ointment; for- ' the University retained their Piv r ege, and made ufè of it to the Relief of the Puritans. It was obferved before, that every thing thefe Gentlemen difliked was Popery; but, it feems, no- thing they do canpobly be fo. Here we fee thefe very Men ratifying and confirming apapal Encroach- ment, and their Hiflorian triumphing againft a Pro- tettant Archbif}1op ; that the Puritans were able to fupport a Bull of Pope Alexander's, which was founded upon the Suppolition of his being univerfal Bilhop, and inverted with a Plenitude of Power t Was a Scholar's Gown, a Surplice, or a fquare Cap, fuck. an Abomination, that thofe who peaceably wore themmutt be reprefented as Papifls in Difguife CV's I-Ii(tory h ilf:facedProtellafts, that wouldbe content with the p. 7.0 1. Return of that Religion whofe Badge they wore; and yet owning the univerfal Jurifdidlion of the Pope, accepting a Licence to preach the Gofpel from him or his Subtlitutes; defending that Power, and aáing under it, was in the Puritans a molt commendable AçElion ! Thefe too were the®Men that valued them- bid. p. 146, felves for keeping clofe to the Bible; that difregarded the Pradtice of a primitiveChurch, for the firtt four or five Centuries, and would not fubmit to a Habit declaredly appointed for DiflinEion, left they thould not (land fall in the Liberty wherewith Chri(t had made them free. It was admitted, Mr. N. tells us, by thofe whom he is pleated to call Court Reformers, 14y. c that the Church of Rome was a true Church, tho$ corrupt- _..the Pope was a trueBilbop of Rome, 6 Chu'