Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 329, $ tho' not of the univerfaï Church. But the Puri- ' tans affirmed the Pope to be Antichrift, theChurch ' of Rome to be no true Church." And yet thefe very Puritans efleemed it a noble Vid}ory, that they could preach by Virtue of a Bull from Antichrift himfelf : If the Gofpel had fixt this Charaeter upon him, no human Laws or Cuftoms could alter it. But the molt exceptionable Part of, their Condu& was, their loading the Queen and the Bithops with heavy Accufations, as Encouragers of Popery; as leading Men back toPopery andSuperftition, when they themfelves were preaching by Virtue ofa papal Bull, and applied for a Licence, which ow'd its ve- ry Being to the ufurped Authority of Antichrift. A very (mall Portion of that Cafuiftry which fatisfied them, in folliciting for fuch Licences, and maintain- ing the Lawfulnefs of them, might have induced them, for the Sake of Peace, and a firmer Union wire their Fellow-Proteftants, to wear a Habit the Protetlant Laws of their Country appointed to di- ftinguifh their Profelìon. But if they would not fubmit to thefe Laws, lute it behoved them to be very cautious of upbraiding their Superiors with Po- pery, when they themfelves could not pretend, they had the leaft Dire&ion, in Scripture, to apply to an Cnive, iity, to exercife an Authority granted by the Pope, under the Charaí&er of univerfal Bithop, and fiutpreme Head of the Church. N's Hill. p.22'. ' But this learned Body, the Univerfity oí Cambridge, was foon after thrown into Coxfufion, by the Controverfy of the Habits. What a íßlemn Defcription is this of the irregu- lar Behaviour of force rafh young Students in the Uoiverfity ? if thefe are thought to add any Credit to the Puritan Side, 'tis eafy to increafe the Num- ber of them. There are fuch Puritans who will not comply with the Statutes, or wearthe Academical Habit iri `every Univeruty in theWorld, ' Dr. Long- ' worth (lays Mr, N.) Matter of St. John's, being ' ahfent from his College, the Students of that Houle ' came to Chapel on a Feftival Day without their o Hoods andSurplices, (HOWEVER THEY HADWORN THEM BEFORE) Mould have been added, being in ' the