Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C'330 6 theOriginal---In Trinity College all, except &'trype's Ann. ` three, declared againti the Surplice. ' It follows 478. immediately in theAuthor from whom this Account is taken by the Infligation of T. Cartwright. But this Mr.N, omits. As confcientious an Affair as the Hifhry of the Puritans makes of the Matter, Se- )bid, cretary Cecil calls it 6 a lewd Leprofy of Libertines ; riotous thakig off the Yoke of Obedience and Or- der." He adds upon the fame Occafion, 6 I am inwardly afraid, if Fear thannot flay this riotous In- 6 folency, thefe rahyoung Heads that are fo foon ripe to climb up into Pulpits, will content themfelves 6 with no Limits eirher in the Church, or in the Po- w licy." By an Account fent to the Secretary, it appears, 6 that thefe Men had, by their Counfels, fo ditturbed all things, that theTime which was wontheretofore to be employed in good Arts and Sciences, was now fpent and confumed in trivial 6 Janglings de Lana caprina." But it Teems this Scrupuloftty about Habits had its Ufe: When Mo- ney ran low, a Student might pawn his Surplice to the Cook, and then pretend his Confcience would not allow him to wear it, as appears in Mr. Strype's Ann. p: 483. N's Hitt. p. 22.7. 6 Mr. Strype is of Opinion, ' that the Archbithop himièlf publithed an Anfwer 6 to the Declaration ofthe nonconforming Minihers; 6 but whoever be the Author, he is a Man of a bad 6 Spirit, and abutive Language. As Mr. N, produces the Reafons of the refuting Minifers, it had been more impartial to have given fome Account of the Anfwer to them; but this would have confuted his Genfure; and therefore he condemns the Performance in the grofs : The Au-. thor,. fays he, was a Man of a bad Spirit, and abu- Ann, 519, five Language. Mr.Strype, on thecontrary, fays, the Declaration, &c. of the London Minihers foon received a grave and learned Anfwer TheWriter undertook to weigh and examine the Grounds and Reafons diffin6lly, which had been urged in the faid Declaration, for refuting the Apparel andGarments then tired of. Chrif's Church in .England; which he do'th n"ervoufly. N'sHitt.