331 J N's Hilt. p. 219. ' This Order (for Reformats- ` on of divers Diforders, in printing and uttering 6 of Books) was figned by Eight of the Privy- ` Council. Had their Names been mentioned, we fhould have Peen thofe Champions in the Puritan Caufe, Mr. N's Great Earl of Leicefler, and Sir Francis Knollys, of the Number ; which confirms what Mr. Strype Pays, that the Puritan Books were writ- ten with much Confidence and Sharpnefs. Would the Earl of Leicefler and Sir Francis Knollys have figned an Order to punilh thofe who publilhed Books on the Puritan Side, wrote, as Mr. N. alledges, N's Hilory with goodTemper and Judgment ? 227. N's Hitt. p. 22.9. ' The Puritans being thus foreclofed and ¡hut out of the Church by Segue- ' ftrations and Imprifonments, the taking away their Licences to preach, and the Reftraint of the Preis, molt of them were at a Lofs how to ` behave. Difmal Reprefentation of their Cafe! It will be fotne Relief to fee it effe&ually confuted ! The lait Author Mr. N had quoted, was Strype's Life of Parker, p. 222 In the very next Page we find thefe Words, tho' Mr. NV did not think fir to pro- duce them. ` Gentlenefs, as appears hence, was ufed towards thofe Minifters that flood out, and ' fo were deprived. Some of them, by Order of the Council, with the Advice of the Eccleftaflical Commifíioners, were taken up, and put under eafy Reftraints, with force of the Bithops, being ' fent down, force to Ely, force to Norwich, and force to the Bifhop of Winton; partly to have the Benefit of their Inftruáions, and partly to rid ` Landon of them. But it was not long that they ' remained fo, but were reftored to their Liberties, and had Leave, or at leaft Connivance topreatb. N's Hift. p.230. ' Here was the Era, or Dare of the Separation, a moil unhappy Event (rays Mr. Strype) whereby People of the fame Court- try, of the fame Religion, and of the fame Judg- ' ment