r 332] ment in Do&rine, parted Communions: One Part being obliged to go aide into fecret Houfes ° and Chambers to ferve God by themfelves, which begat Strangenefs between Neighbours, Chriluians o and Protettants. In there few Lines, which he marks as a comet pleat and fair Quotation, Mr. N. is guilty of omit- ting a Declaration in Favour of the Conformifts, that they were equal Enemies to Popery with the Separatifls; and of artfully adding an Accufation againft the Church Party, as being the Caufe of the Separation, by obliging the Puritans to go afide, and alto of imputing that Strangenefs to one Side, which the Original imputes to the other. A Gentleman that can quote after this Manner mutt be content to find himfelf ¡lady contradicted. Mr. Strype does notfay, as he affirms he does, but Pays as follows, in the very Place he quotes. ` This was a moll unhappy Event of this Controverfy, whereby People of the fame Country, of the fame Religi- ` on, and of the fame Judgment too concerning the Errors of Popery, and the Evangelical Do&rive, parted Communions, and went afide [he does not fay, were obliged to go] into fecret Houles and Chambers, to ferve God by themselves; which ` SEPARATION begatEtlraiìgeinents betweenNeigh- ' hours, Chrittians and Protettants. N's Hilt. p. 240. The Puritans ohje&ed ` to the wearing of theSurplice and other Veítments to be ufed in Divine Service, concerning WHICH the Church lays, in the Preface to her Liturgy, that tho' they were deviled by Men, yet they are re- ' ferved for Decency, Order and Edification." And again, ` they are apt to irr up the dullMind ofMan ` to the Remembrance of his Duty to God, byforce notable andfpecialSignification whereby he might be edified. Pd. tnjunói. Queen Elizabeth herfelf, and the Bithops, upon ;o. Preface all C)ccafions, declared theHabits were prefcribed, to the Adver- (fiat the Clergy might be ofone decent Behaviour in fitments. their outward Apparel, and be KNOWN by their DI- STINCT HABITS to be of that Vocation; not meaning to attribute any Holinefr or fpecial Worthinefs to the fair