C 3 5 a Here again we are referred to a wrongPlace, /dz. Life of Grindal, p. 120. inftead ofp. t 3e. But the partial Reprefentation of this Matter, and the fup- preffing good Bithop Grindal's Share in their En- largement, fall much heavier upon this Writer. The Words of his Author, whom he places in the Margin, to give Credit to his own Story, are thefe. ` Nor could all the Bifhop's Endeavours reclaim ` them And therefore pitying their Condition, HE moved the Secretary, that Clemency might be ufed ` towards them, that fo by giving them freely their Liberty, only with an Admonition, they might be more prevailed withal to complywith the Laws, than by Severity; and praying the Secretary t ` obtain from the Lords of the Council an Order ` to him (the Bithop) to releafe them. According- ' ly, the Lords approved of Grindal's Cogtnfel and inApril rent hima Letter with aWarrant for that Purpofe. N's Hift. p. 272. ` TheConvocation that began with this Parliament aí%mbled April 3. when the Reverend Mr. Gilbert Alcocf prefented a Supplica- tion to them in behalf of the deprived Minifters, praying their Interefi with the Queen for a Redrefs of their Grievances; if a GodlyMinifler (lays he) ` omit but the leafl Ceremony, for Confcience fake, he is immediately indiáed, deprived, call. into Prifon, and his Goods walled and delroyed. For this Account Mr. N refers us to his MS, which is effeaually confuted by what we find in D'Ewe's Journal in the fame Year r37í. A Bill was brought into the Houle, for coming to Ser- vice; upon which one of the Members obferves, that by the former Law it was Enaaed, ` That the Service thall not be laid, or Sacrament minifired in any other fort, than in the Book of Commou- Prayer is prefcribed ; he Chewed bow d erently the fame was ufed, in many Places, from the pre- . fcribed Rule. As, where na Pare of thofe Pray- ers were obferved, but a Sermon, and fotne fuck other Prayers only as the Minifter thall think good in Place thereof. Whereuponhave great Divifi- ons, Difcpt4s: and Di:(Iikes grown amongfi; and between