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[ 336 4 betweengreat Numbers. (He adds) theMiniftert ` neither do, nor will do herein as they thould, and ` as is by the Law prefcribed and commanded. How different is this from the MS. Account ! If they had been deprived and imprifoned for omitting the leaft Ceremony, how could there be fo many Churches, at the very time this Complaint is fup- pofed to be made, in which they departed fo much from the prefcribed Form of Service! N's Hitt. p. 179. 6 The Reverend Mr. David ` Whitehead, a great Scholar, and moft heavenly Profeffor of Divinity was chofen one of ` the Difputants againfk the Popifh Bi/hops, and ` fhewed himfelf fo profound a Divine, the Queen ` offered him the Archbhoprick of Canterbury. Strange Offer to fuch a Man, from a Princefs who, Mr. N. affirms, had aHeart not to be alienated from the Papi/ls ! But this Gentleman goes on : 6 He ` refufed it from PuritanicalPrinciples, and would ` accept of no Preferment in the Church, as it then 6 flood." Had not Mr. Whitehead given his own Reafons for this Refufal, Mr. N. might have in- invented one for him. 'Tis injuring his Memory, to charge him with fupprefl.ïngthe true Reafon, and giving a falfe one. He alledged no Diftike of the Church; but faid, hecould live plentifully on preach- ing theGofpel, without any Preferment. 'Tis there- fore very unaccountable in Mr. N. without any Au- thority (not even that of his MS.) to align Purita- nifm for theReafon of his Refufal. This is more unwarrantable, becaufe, as Mr. N. himfelf menti- ons, he was one of the Difputants agai nil the Popich Bithops ; in which Difpute, one Article was, Whe- N's Hiftory ther every Church had not Authority to appoint, P. 36 change, and take away CEREMONIES and Ecclefafti- BurnetVol.l7. cal Rites, fo the fame were done to edifying. Be- Strype's Ann. fide, Mr. Sampfon, Cartwright, and other Puritans, vole I. accepted of Hofpitals ; yet Mr. Whitehead refufed a Preferment of that fort, the Hofpital of the Savoy, being refolved not to have any Preferment, either fuch as Puritans orConformifts accepted of. Upon the whole, as he was one of thofe who revifedand prepared the LITURGY for the Parliament, and al- ways