337 ways continued preaching in the Church. Hestrype Ann. E. ought to be added to the Number Of thole emi p ya. Went pious Men, who approved of the Contfituti- on, and died Members of the Church of England. N's Hill. p. 2,79. ` Archbifhop Parker took in the Bishops abovementioned viz. Winchefler and Ely, (towhich Mr.N. ¡bout(' have added, Worce- fier, Chich.effer, and Sarum) to countenance his Proceedings. But Grindal declared he would L not be concerned, if his Grace proceeded to Sur- ` petition and Deprivation. Upon which Parker ` writ back, that he thought it high Time to fet about it; and however the World might judge, he would ferve God and his Prince, and put her Laws in Execution. That Grindal was too Limo- ` rous, there being no Danger of a Premunire." There is no Mention of any fuch Declaration of Grindal's in the Place from whence Mr. AT took this Paragraph, viz. Life of Parker, p. 32,5. The Account there is very different, in many Refpe&s, from his Reprefentation of it. 'Tis in the follow- ing Words. ` Of the Bithop of Londón he [Arch- ` bithop Parker] doubted, if it came to Sufpenfion or Deprivation, whether he would be concerned." Sandys was Bishop of London, and not Grindal. But, for his own Part, as he wrote in a Letter to Grindal, .drehb f op of York, that howfoever the World might judge, he would ferve God, his Prince and her Laws, and his Confcience, as it was high Time to fet upon it: And yet he faid he would be glad to be advifed to work prudently, rather to Edification than to Deftru2ion. N. H.p. 2,83. ` Her Majefty Pent themword within a Day or two, that the utterly difliked tre Bills, and never returned them. This awakened a brave Spirit of Liberty among force of the Members: Many free Speeches weremade upon this Occafion, and among others, Sir Peter Wentworth (poke---- ` but for this Speech Sir Peter was fi:nt to the 2hwe'-. The Queen's Mefîage by Mr. Treaíure cpott this Occafion, is preferved in D' Ewe's joao al. p. 2,14. How different from Mr. N's Account of