C338 it ! ' Her Majefly feetn'd utterly to míflike of the fir(l Bill, and of him that brought the fame into ` the Houfe ; and that her Highnefs exprefs Will and Pleafure was, that no Preacher or Minifler thould be impeached or indicted, or otherwife moletled or troubled, as the Preamble of the laid Bill did purport, adding thefe comfortableWords farther, that her Majefly, as Defender of the Faith, will aid and maintain all good Proteffants, ` to the difcouraging of all Papifls." But Sir Peter Wentworth was lent to the Tower, upon this Occa- fion! Three Years after, viz. in the Year 1S75-, .A'Ewe'sJour- Peter Wentworth, Efq; (whom Mr. N. calls Sir nal p. 236. ` Peter) one of the Burgefles for the Borough of Tregony in the County of Cornwal, was, for an- ` reverent and undutiful Words uttered by him in in this Houfe of our Sovereign Lady, the Queen's ` Majefly, fequeflered, that the Houfe might pro- ' ceed to Conference and Confideration of his faid Speech." ACommittee was appointed, and did take the Speech into Confideration accordingly. Mr. Treafurer, probably the Chairman, reported, ` that the Committee had examined the laid Peter ' Wentworth touching the violent and wickedWords ` yeflerday pronounced by him in this Houfe touch- ` the Queen's Majefly, and made a Colle&ion of the fame Words; which Words fo colle&ed ` the laid Peter Wentworth did acknowledge and ' confefs. Then did the Paid Mr. Treafurer read unto the Houfe the laid Note of Colleaion, which being read, he declared farther, That the faid Peter Wentworth being examined what he could fay for the extenuating of his faid Fault and Offence, could neither fay any thing at all to ` that Purpofe, neither yet did charge any other Perfort as Author of his laid Speech, but did take all the Burden thereof to himfelf; and fo the faid Mr. Treafurer did thereupon move for his Puni(h- ` ment and Imprifonment in the rower, as the ' Houfe fhould think goodwhereupon he was ordered to the Tower--but the faid Peter Went- worth was thortly, by the Queen's fpecial Favour, rellored again to his Liberty, and Place in the Houfe." Mr. WeNtworth's Speech is preferved in