r 339 I in D'Ewe's Journal. He Pays, with refpe& to the Queen, ` How could any Prince more unkindly ` entreat, abufe and oppofe herfelf againfi her Nobi- ` lity andPeople, than her Majefly did the lafl Par- ` liarnent ?" He goes on to explain himfelf upon the Bills relating, not to the religious Difputes, but to the Scottifh Queen, in which Affair, as it is ob- ferved p. z4r. the Queen inhibited them for a cer- tain time to proceed. But Mr.Wentworth not on- ly inveighed againft the Queen, but feems to take particular Care to alienate the People's Affeétion from her. He adds, ` Will not this her Majefly's Handling, think you, Mr. Speaker, make cold Dealing in any of her Majefly's SubjeEis towards her again ?" This Gentleman was a Friend and Favourer of the Puritans ; and if Mr. N. thinks it will be any Credit to the Caufe, he is at full Liber- ty to call fuch Treatment of the Queen Puritanifm, and Hill to reckon Mr. Wentworth's Commitment by the Houfe of Commons one Inflance of fuffer- ing upon that Account. N's Hifl. p. 308. ` But after all, his Lordthip of Norwich being fufpe&ed of Remiffnefs, Parker dire&ed a Special Commiffion to Commiffaries of his own appointing, to vifit his Diocefe pa- ` rochially, which theydid, and reported, forceMi- ` niflers were abfent, and fo could not be examined; c other Churches had no Surplices, but the Mini- ` tiers faid they would wear them when provided : ` But that there were about THREE HUNDRED Nonconformifts, whom they had SUSPENDED, ` fone of whom, as the good old Bithop writ, weregodly, learned, and had done much good. In Confirmation of this, Mr. N. quotes Life of Parker, p. 452. Upon confulting that Author, we find an Account greatly different in feveral re- fpe&s from the foregoing Reprefentation of it. The Bithop of Norwich (lays Mr. N.) being fuf- ` pe&ed of Remifl"nefs, Parker dire&ed a Special Commiffion to vifit his Diocefe." But when was this? Mr. Strype informs us 'twas the next Year, after the B op was dead. ` In March 1 574, the Archbithop began his Vifitation of the Church of Z z 6 ..tr.