L.340 i f Norwich, according to the Cullom upon Vacan-. ` cies of the Sees." But Mr. N. adds, the Archbi- Jhop's Commill-dries reported, lbme íMiniaers were abfent, and fo could not be examined. Other Churches had no Surplices, &c. about three hun- dred werefufpended. This Report was not by the Archbifhop's CommilTTaries. ' By virue of a fpeci- ` al Order (lays Mr. Strype) from the Queen and Council to vifit this Diocefe of Norwich paro- chially, a aria Inquiry was made about the Cler- gy's Conformity, many of whom did not wear the Habits, nor ufed the other Rites enjoined. ` The Minifters of Norwich had been before the Bifhop there, as he [not the Commifrariesj wrote to the Archbishop, Dec.3. whom he had earnest- ` ly admonifhed to Conformity and due Obedience, and found them agreeing, and very tra&ahle." But Mr. NV lays, about three hundred were fufpend- ed, fome of whom, as the good old Bithop writ, Were godly and learned, and had done much Good. On the contrary, Mr. Strype, in the Place Mr. N. quotes, làys, after the Inquifition and Search of the Diocefe was pretty well over, the Bithop of Norwich wrote thus ro the Archbishop. ' My Du- ' ty unto your Grace humbly remembered. I do fend unt, you by this Bringer, the Certificate for the Archdeaconry of Sudbury, whereby your Grace ' may fee there be not many wilful Bodies of the Clergy, and they, for the moll Part, have promiCed ' Conformity. In the Archdeaconry of Suffolk, are very few, or none at all, but that be well willing to be ordered. And fo I have been certified, with- ' out naming any Perlon particularly; wherefore ' I anti your Grace, nor any others of Authority, ` fhall have any great ado with the Clergy of my ' Diocefe." Accordingly, we do not find the leaf} Mention of three hundred, nor any thing like it, fufpended. games Rofer, Vicar of Winflon, and John Champyn, Vicar of Wherfled, are the only Perlons laid to be fufpended. Mr. Welch's, Curate of Little Waldingfield, 'tis Paid, neither hath, nor will obferve the Order, and for that Cattle had given over the Cure. Thefe three Mr. N. calls about three hundred. There are indeed force few m ore