Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 341 i more mentioned, that either defired Time to confi- der, or that did not confent to conform, but no other are Paid to be fufpended. The whole Num- ber of Refufers, of all forts, falls greatly thort of one hundred ; and agreeably to this the Bithop fays in his Letter, there be not many wilful Bodies, and moti of thefe [few] have promifed Conformity. Again, Some of thofe that were fufpended (rays Mr. N.) the Bithop, in his Letter, wrote, were godly and learned, and had done much good. Some, Pays Mr. N. his Author, on the contrary, fays One, the ref wholly agreeing, and being trada- ble, fazing that one, Mr. Moor (who does not ap- pear to have been fufpended) of whom the Bithop gave this Character to the Archbithop, ` That he had not known that he had fpoken againft her Majetty's Book at any time; neither could he find any manner of Stubbornnefs in him; and furely (as he added) HE is godly and learned, and ` bath done much good in this City." This is the Account in Strype 412. the very Place quoted by Mr. N. for the Sufpenfion of about 300, fome of whom the good old Bithopwrote were godly, &c. Mr. N. feems to have taken great Pains to mifre- prefent the Proceedings of this Bithop of Norwich. The Bifhop himfelf wrote a Letter to his Chancellor, that Commandment might he fent to his Archdea- cons and their Minifters, to give in Charge to the Clergy and Quell-men, in their refpeélive Circuits, to prefent the Names and Surnames of all filch Perlons as were negligent, obflinate, or any other- wife Hinderers of her Majetly's Proceedings, con- trary to the laid Book, and the Statute provided in srrype's Atm. that behalf. This Letter was dated from Ludham, s6i. Jan. 30, 1573. Mr. N's Reprefentation is as fol- lows. ` The Commifoners being thus puttied for- ` ward from above, Jént Letters to the Bithops, to give it in Charge to their Clergy and Queft men, &c. A Letter of this fort was fens, among others, to the old Bithop of Nozvich, dated from Ludlow, Jan. 30, 1 573. This was very unaccep- table Work to a Man that was dropping into his Grave, &c." The Bithop himfelf wrote a Letter from Ludham, and this he calls 'a Letter to the Bi- 2 3 (bop