Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[342] fhop from the Commiffioners fromLudlow. What Commiffioners met at Ludlow? Or, who was it that pu(hed forward from above, Commiffioners that were never heard of before, Commiffioners at Ludlow? In Mort, here is a Story drefs'd up, meerly to blacken the Government. Mr. N. far- ther adds, the Bithop allowed his Chancellor total- ly to filence thofe unconformable Minitiers, who continued their Parts in the publick Exercifes or Prophefyings, after their Sufpenfion ; tho' it was againfl his Judgment. Whereas the Bithop expref- ly Pays, ' This (total Silencing) being a thing fo ` reafonable, I' cannot performmy Duty, if I (hall negle&, or partially wink at fuch Doings." Mr. N. had the Letter, of which this is Part, be- fore him, when he afferted, the Bithop ailed againft his Judgment; for he quotes the Sentence preceed- ing that which is here produced. N's Hift, p. 314 ' The Reverend Mr. Robert ` Johnfon-- was tried at Weflminfler.hall for Non- ` conformity. It was alledged againft him, that he ` had married without the Ring, and that he had baptized without the Crofs. Mr. Peirce fays he ` was alfo accufed of a Mifdemeanour, becaufe ` when once he was adminiliring the Sacrament, ` the Wine falling short, he fent for more, but did ` not confecrate it afrefh ...but nothing of this ` kind appears in his Two Indi&ments, which are now before me." His MS. Colleaion, as the Margin informs us, furnilhes him with thefe two Indi&ments. And Mr. Johnfon's own Account of his Tryal, drawn up, and SIGNED by himfelf, fur- nithes us with a fufficient Confutation of this MS. Colle&ion, and thews what little Credit it deferves, (at leaf}, as quoted by him) even when it pretends to produce Inilruments or Papers in Form. We find this Tryal in that famous Colle5ion Called, Part of a Regifler, p. ior. The Examination of Maßer Robert Johnfon at Weflminflerhall. The Jury being empannelled, and the India:went read, Mailler Johnfon fpake as followeth. R. Johnfon.