[ 345 .1 and Rill worfe, to afïìgn one fo very injuri- ous. She expreffes her felt thus. ' By which manner of A%mblir's, great Numbers of our People, meet to be otherwife occupied with ho- nett Labour for their Living, are brought to Idle- ` nefs, and feduced, and in a manner Schifmatically ` divided among themfelves into Variety of danger- ` ous Opinions; not only in downs and Parrfhes, but even in fame Families, and manifetîly thereby encouraged, to the Violation of our Laws, and to the Breach of common Order, and finally to the Offence of all our quiet Subreé.ls, that defire to live and ferve God, according to the uniform Orders e(tablifhed in the Church, whereof the Sequel cannot be but Over dangerous to be fuf- ' fered. N's Hilt p. 925. ` When the Lord Treafurer Burleigh had read over the Interrogatories, and feen the Execution they had done upon the Cler- gy, he writ the Archbifhop of Canterbury the fol- lowing Letter. In tranfcribing this Letter, Mr. N. has fupprefs'dstrype'sWhit- every thing that looks favourably to the Archbithop. gift, Lib. 3 . In particular, the following Claufe. ` AgainRAppend. which [Complaints about the Archbithop] 1 an- ' fwer, that I think your Grace doth nothing but, being duly examined, tendeth to the Maintenance of the Religion eltablithed, and to avoid Schitìn ' ín the Church. I have alto, for Example, (hewed upon your Papers Pent to me, how fully theChurch is furnitlied with Preachers, and how (malt a Number Mete are that do contend for their Sin- ` gularity. " It had liltewife bettn more impartial in Mr. N. if he had tranfcribed the Archbitltop's An- fwer, or the molt material Parts of it : But he panes it over with only faying, the Archbitl'top wrote a long Anfwer. He Mould have taken Notice in particular, that his Grace tells the Lord Burleigh: I have, by your Lordthip's Advice, chofen this kind of Proceeding, becaufe I would not touch any for not fubfcribing only, but for Breach of Or, der in celebrating Divine Service, adminittring Sacraments, and executing other Ecclefiattical Fun&ions,