C 346 Fun&ions, according to their Fancies, and not according to the Form by Law prefcribed, which ` neither your Lordfhip nor others Teemed to diflike, ` but to with and require -- My Proceedings are ` neither fo vehement, nor general, againfl Mini- tiers and Preachers, as fome pretend, doing me therein great Injury; and I have fundry times fa- ' tisfied your Lordthip therein TheObje&ion of encouraging the Papifls, &c. hath neither Proba- bility nor Likelihood. For how can Papifis be animated, by urging of Men to fubfcribe againft the Pope's Supremacy, or to the juflifying of the ` Book of Common - Prayer, and of the Articles of Religion, both which they fo greatly condemn? ` But indeed Papitls, &c. are animated, becaufe they fee thefe kind of Perfons (which herein, ` after a fort, join with them) fo greatly friended, ` fo much borne with, and fo animated in their difordered Doings againtl both God's Laws and Man's, and againtl: their chief Governours Civil and Ecclefiaflical. This, I fay, encourageth the Papitis, and maketh them fo malapert. The ` other is but a fallax a non caufa adcaufara. O my Lord, would to God fine of them which ufe this ` Argument, had no Papiftr in their Families, and not otherwife alto countenanced them, whereby ` indeed they receive Encouragement. Affure your ` felf, that the Papifis are rather grieved at my Do- ` ings, becaufe they tend to the taking away of ` their chief Argument, that is, that we cannot ` agree among our (elves, and lack Unity, and ` therefore are out of the Church. And I am ere- ' dibly informed, that the Papifis give Encourage- ` ment to thefe Men, and commend them in their Doings ; whereof I have alto forrme Experience. ` 1 have not dealt as yet with any but fuch as have refuted to fubfcribe, and given manifefl To- ` kens of Contempt of Orders and Laws. My Aéis remaining in Record will tefiify with me-- ` For, in my own Part, I neither do, nor have done ` any thing in this Matter, which I do not think my felf in Duty and Confcience bound to do." Mr. Strype calls this a wary, wife and refolute Let- ter; 'tis very long, and is only taken Notice of here,