C 347 here, as one Inftance among many, where Mr. N. has given Letters, without adding the Replies made to them, and produced Objections, without taking fufficient Notice of the Aufwers given to thofe Ob- jeetions. We have an InUance of the like fort, within a few Pages, viz. p.423. Mr. N. produces a Letter from the Lords of the Council, in order to blacken the Archbithop, but quotes not a Wdrd of the Archbithop's Letter in Vindication of him - felf and his Brethren. Mr. Strype (out of whom Mr. 1N tranfcribes the Letter from the Council) takes Notice in the fame Place, that ` This Let- ` ter of the Lords, fo careful for the good Etlate of the Church, was grounded chiefly, as we fee, upon Surmifes which they had taken up from the ` Information and Reports of the Difaffeéled Fation, concerning the great Abilities and Learning of ` themfelves, and the ignorant and fcandalous Lives of the obedient and conformable Clergy, which ` however was in a great Part falfe, and uncharita- bly given out ; and therefore the Archbifhop, in his Anfwer, made it his chief Bufinefs to vindicate to the Lords thofe Miniflers from fuch Afperfions, and himfelf and the reit of the Commioners, in Chewing no Favour to fach as deferved Cenfure for their Negle&s or Misbehaviour, and to thew likewife howweak and ignorant that felf-conceited ` Party themfelves were! N's Hift.p.46o. ` The Puritans laft Refort was to the Archbithop .APaper was therefore pub- ` lifhed, entitled, Means how to fettle a godly and ` charitable Quietnef in the Church, humbly addreit to the Archbithop, and\containing the following ` Propofals But the Archbifhop would abate nothing, nor admit of the leaft Latitude from the ` national Eftablithment. He writ an Anfwer to the Propofals, in which he inffts upon a full Con- ` formity, telling the Petitioners, that it was none of his Bufinefs to alter the Ecclefiaflical Laws, or difpenfe with them; which was all they were to ` expe& from him. As Mr.N.gave a large Account of the Propofals, he ought to have been mire particular as to the An- fwer,