Strype's Life of W/hitgift, P. `97. r 348 Ewer, and not fatisfied hirnfelf with Paying theArcla° bithop wrote an Anfwer. The leali he could dog was to have mentioned what the Author he quotes fays of this Anfwer, viz. ` To all thefe Propo- ` fats (which the Archbifhop faw could not have that Tendency, to fettle a godlyQuietnefs, what- ` ever was pretended by the Framer of them) he ` returned brief, butveryfull and fufficient Anfwers, which are very well worth the confidering." One of the moll material Propofals was, that inftead of of fubfcribing, the fufpended Minitiers thould give a Bond. This, notwithflanding Mr. N takes no Notice of it, the Archbithop, in his Anfwer, faid he did not miflike; adding an Obfervation upon the Propofal. The Reader will find them both in .S'tripe's Life of Whitgift, Append. N. i6. Lib. 3. in thefe Words. The Propofal is, ` That fuch ho- ` neft and learned Minifters as have been of late ` deprived or fufpended, may be fuffered to conti- ` nue their Preaching upon thefe Cautions follow- ` ing, viz. ABond of the faid Minifters, and force of the principal Gentlemen in the Shire, that ` they (hall not preach any erroneous, heretical or fchifinatical Do&rive, nor (hall in their Sermons, Leetures or Preachings, inveigh, or teach any thing again(ì the Book of Common-Prayer, Ar- ticles, and making of Minifters, nor againfi the Dignities of any Archbifhops, Bifhops, or other ` Ecclefiaflical Perfons, by what Name fòever they ` may be called; but föberly to teach Chrift Jefus crucified, and by no means break or di(turb the ` Order of the Church, but by all Means they can, ` uphold and maintain the fame, and withliand all fuch as (hall wilfully and wittingly attempt any thing to the contrary." To which their Propofal the Archbithop made the following Anfwer. " I do ` not m:Jlike of the Bond; but he that (hall enter in- ` to it, and yet refufe to fubfcribe, in my Opinion, ` is either a meer Hypocrite, or a very wilful Fel- low ; for thu Condition containeth more than doth ' the Subfcription. Mr. N. in tranfcribing the Sth Article or Pros pofal, has greatly altered it; he declares it was, that ` Midwives and Women may not baptize." The