Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

r 349 a TheWords of the Puritans are, That all baptizing ' by Midwives and Women, may from henceforth ` be inhibited, and declared void." In his Antwer, the Bithop obferves, ` Neither any of the Fathers, nor the 4th Council of Carthage (which they had alledged) ever condemned the Baptizing of Wo- men in the Cafe of Necejfity and extraordinarily; but that they fhould baptize ordinarily, and with- ' out Neceflity, the Papitls themfelves do not al- ' low. I never heard, that any Bithop profeflìng the Gofpel did give any fuch Authority to Mid- ' wives." There are tome FaEls in their Articles or Propofals, which are direly contradi6ted in the Anfwer; in particular, what relates to K. Edward's firft and fecond Service-book. But Mr. N. paflès Over all thefe things, not ferving the Puritan Caufè. N's Hidl.p. 482. ' The Prefs was in the Hands of the Archbithop, who took all poflible Care to Rifle theWritings of the Puritans, while he gave Licence to Afcanio, an Italian Merchant and Bookfeller in London, to import what ,Popilh Books he thoughtfit, upon this very odd Pretence, that the .Adverfaries Arguments being better known by learned Men, might be more eatily confhred --- ' His Grace feems to have been in no Fear of Pope - ry, tho' this very Year another Aflâalìnration Plot ' was difcovered. By this 'Account the Reader mall imagine, that the Archbifhopgave a free Licence ro this Book fel- ler, without any Condition, to import and fell Po- pith Books. And thus Mr. N. cxplains it in his Margin and his Index Whitgifc liven es Poto h Books. This is one Intlance among many, very many, where Mr. N. avoids producing the Words of the Author he quotes, and by fìtbilituring others in their Place, gives his own Reprefenration inttead of the true one. The Fa& which he imputes to the Hrchbifhop, as a Proof of his inclination to Popery, was really an lnftance of his Care for the Protellant Religion. There was no Way for the Archbithop and Privy Council to know what Argu- ments or Reprefentations the Papitls ufed, but by pernfing the Books in which thefe were contained -. Nar