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C 35®' Nor could filch Books, which were fecretly dif perfed among the People, be confuted, unlefs thole who anfwered them could get a Copy, which by this Means he endeavoured to obtain. Had Mr. N. made a fair Quotation, either given the Words of the Author, or the Licence itfelf, this would have appeared ; the Reader °hall have them both. ' This strype's whit_' Licence the Archbifhop granted upon this good gift, p. :66, ' Contideration, That fuch Books being perufed by learned Men, the Adverfaries Arguments might be ' the better known, in order to the Confutation of them, and that oftentimes thence Matter ' might be colledled of fundry things relating to ' this Church and Realm, that might turn to its Ufe ' and Benefit, as may appear by the laid Licence, which ran in thefe Words. ' Whereas fundry ' Books are from time to time fet forth in the Parts beyond Seas, by fuch as are addi&ed to the Errors of Popery, yet, in many refpe&s, expedient to be had by fome of the learnedof this Realm ; contain- ing alto oftentimes Matter in them againft the ` State of this Land, and flanderous unto it; and therefore no fit Books to pals thro' every Man's Hands freely. In Confideration whereof I have tolerated Afcanius de Renialme, Merchant Book- ` feller, to bring into this Realm from the Parts beyond Seas, force fewCopies of every fuch fort of Books, upon this Condition only, that any of ` them be not 'hewed or difperfed abroad, but firft brought to me, or force other of her Majetty's Privy - Council, that fo they may be delivered, or directed to be delivered forth unto filch Perfons ` ONLY, as by us, or force of us, °hall be thought ` moll meet Men, upon good Confiderations and ` Purpofes, to have the Reading and Perufal ofthem. Given at Lambeth, &c. Mr. Strype further ac- quaints us, that the Archbithop was fo careful, that he made ilfcanio enter into [lri& Bonds to perform thefe Conditions. N's Hitt. p. 492. ' In another Provincial Synod, about Michaelmas, it was agreed, that the Oppref- ` fions offered to others, and efpecially to the Mi- ' nillers, .by the Bilhops and their Officials in their fpirl-