r 351 ` fpiritual Courts, Mould be colleted and regiflred. ` ]F this had been preferved entire, more of the Sufferings of thefe great and good Men would have appeared, and many Works of Darknefs, Opprefíìon and Cruelty, would have been brought to Light, which nowmuff be concealed to the Day of Judgment. This Writer not only reprefents, as he pleafes, Fails that are known, but decifively determines upon thofe he profeffes to know nothing of. This Co1le,uion is now lotl, or, 'tis more likely, was never made ; yet he is politive what would have been the Contents, Dr. Bridges publifhed a Book in Defence of the Eflablithment, wherein he under- takes to prove, ` That the Minillers were difpla- ced, with Grief, for their Demerits. And can Mr. N. fay, that if the Trials themfelves had been produced, they would not have fupported that Al- legation, unlefs he had feen them ? N's Hifl. p. for. ' Edwin Sandy:, Archbi(hop of Tork, was a zealous Defender of the Laws ` againtl Nonconformifls of all forts. When Ar- guments failed, he would earneflly implore the fecular Arm; tho' he had no great Opinion, either 6 of the Difcipline or Ceremonies of the Church, as appears by his lati Will and Teflament, in which are thefe remarkable Expreffions. ` I am perfuaded, that the Rites and Ceremonies by poli- tical Inftitution appointed in the Church, are not ` ungodly, nor unlawful, but may, for Order and Obedience fake, be ufed by a good Chriflian -- ` but I am now, and ever have been perfuaded, that force of thefe Rites and Ceremonies are not ex- ' pedient for this Church now; but that in the Church Reformed, and in all this Time of the Gofpel, they may better be difufed by little and little, than more and more urged.' Such a Telti- ` mony from the dying Lips of one that had been a feuerePerfecuter ofhoneft Men for things which he always thought had better be difufed than ur- ged, deferves to be remembered. The Amount of this Charge is Hypocrify and Cruelty. Heperfecuted for things he thought better difufed