[ 352 difufed than urged. We now fee with what Defign it was that Mr. N. p.279. applied to another Perfon what was faid of the Moderadon of Bithop Sandys. This Bithop was to be reprefented as a fevere Per- fecutor, and therefore Mr. N mifquotes his Author, rather than let it appear, that Bithop Sandys was fo far from being a Perfecutor, that the Archbilhop Life of Par. doubted of HIM, if it came to Safpenfaon or Depriva- ker, p. 325. tion, whether he "would be concerned. This is the Church Hiff. Account we have in Strype. Mr. Fuller gives him Lib. 1V. the following Chara&er. ' Edwin Sandys, Arch- p. 197. bithop of Tork, an excellent and painful Preacher, and of a pious and godly Lifeit is hard to fay, whether he was more eminent in his ownVir- tues, or more happy in his flourilhing Poflerity." By the Help of his own Method of reprefenting things, Mr. N. defcribes this eminent and pious Confefi'or, as perfecuting HONEST Men again} the Convi&Zions of his own Mind. A heavy Charge! Mr. Strype, from whom Mr. N had this Will, ex- prefly fays, ' 7 hat it difcovers from hitnfelf the ' holy and divine, the pious and humble Spirit of this Strype's An. 3.' excellent Prelate." But whence thefe different yfz. Conclutions from the fame Will ? 'Fis eatily an- fwered. Mr. Strype fairly quotes the whole of it. And is it not highly unjutlitiable in Mr. IV by fop- preffing Part of the Will which" lay before him, fu to change the Defign of it, as to make that a Foun- dation to blacken the Memory of the good Arch - bi(hop; which is an hone} Difcovery of his Senti- ments, and a plain Proof of his upright Behaviour. TheWords that immediately follow thefe quoted by Mr. N. are thefe. ' Howbeit, as I do catily ' acknowledge our Eccletìa}ical Policy, in force ' Points may be bettered; fo do I utterly ditlike, ' even in my Con fcience, all fuch rude and indigefied Platforms as have been more latelyand boldly, than ' either learnedly or wifely preferred, tending not to the Reformation, but to the Defiruélion of this Church c)f England, The Particularities of both Sorts referved to the Difcretion of the godly wife, Of the latter I only fay thus: That the State of a final/ private Church, and the Form of a larger Cbrjiien Kingdom, neither would long like, nor can