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E 353, cap át all brook one and the fame Ecclefiaf ical Government. Thus much I thought good to tettify concerning thefe Eccletiattical Matters, to clear me of all Sufpicton of double and indire& Dealing in the Houle of God." 'Tis plain there- fore, hedifliked thePuritans, not for disliking fome Ceremonies, but for rudely and boldly attempting the peftrt&ion of the Church of England, and the Intr0u6ti0n of their own indigefled Platforms. 11í's Hilt. p. 507. ` Sir Richard .Knightley, Sir Wigfton, who had entertained the Prefs, to- ' gether with the Printer, and Humphrey .Newman [a Cobler, his Author lays] the Difp -rfer, were b deeply fined in the Star- Chamber. For this he quotes Fuller Lib. 9.p. 194. They were indeed condemned in a Fine; but Mr. Fuller, in the Place quoted by Mr. N. informs us, that Archbithop Whitgift importuned the Queen ' to have them delivered out of Prifon, and eafed of their Fines, which, upon their Submiffion, was performed; whole Mildnefs (adds Mr. Fuller) to ' mediate 1r his Adverfaries, as it was highly com- mended by fome, fo there wanted not thofewho ' imputed his Moderation therein to declining of Envy, &c. Thus impoftible it is to pleafe fr9- ' wardSpirits, and tomake them like the belt Deed, who dillike the Doer thereof. It cannot be fuppofed, that Mr. Rapin was any way partial to Archbifhop Whitgift ; and therefore the Chara&er he gives of that eminent Prelate (dir redly contrary to Mr. N's) deferves the greaten Regard. ' Whitgifs (lays Mr. Rapin) was a mildRapin Hift.' and peaceable Man., who would have been very Vol. X. glad to reclaim the Puritans by loft and gentle Means, filch as the Gofpel allows." Mr. .1V'. on the contrary, defcribes him as one who was refolved to bear down all Oppofition, and to dir- play his fovereign Power againil all whole Con- ' fciences were not as flexible as his own. ' And to prove this Flexibility of Whitgift's Confcience, he alledges, ' he had complied with the Popifh Re Hitlor» ligion, and kept his Place in the Univerfty,p, 4a8, throughout all the Reign of Queen Mary." Com- plied with the Popifh Religion ! the Reverie of A a this.