C354 this is true ; he neither did, nor could comply with it, which would plainly have appeared, had Mr. N. given us theWords of the Author, which are thefe- Life of Whit -' There was to be a Vifitation of the Univerfity sift, p. 5. ' of Cambridgein order to the fuppremng of pre- ' tended Herefy and for the urging of Popery ` upón the Fellows and Scholars, and obliging fuch as were qualified to take the firilTonfure. Whit- ' gift was one of thefe; being Mailer of Arts, and forefeeing his Danger, not onlyof Expulfzon out ` of the Univerfity, but further of his Life, fence he COULD NOT COMPLY with what would be re- ' quired, he refolved with himfelf to leave theCol- ' lege, and depart abroad, and fojourn as well as he could, among the faithful Exiles. But Dr. Peirce the Master, underfanding Whitgift's Purpofe, and obferving himfixt in his Religion, by the many good Arguments he ufed (which the Dr. would often fpeak of afterwards) he bad him keep his own Counfel, and by no means utter his Opini- ' ons, whereby he might be brought into Queftion, and he would conceal him without incurring any ` Danger to his Confrience in this Vifitation Whitgift therefore obtaining this Favour (not without fume fpecial Providence towards him and this Church, and the Univerfity of Cambridge) ' continued in the College throughout the danger- ` ous Reign of Queen Mary, having the Advantage of plying his Studies, and improving in good ufeful Learning, and efpecially of examining more narrowly the Controverlies between the Roma- ` ni is and the Reformed, and fo confirmed himfelf more in the true Religion." This, when Mr. AT. has tranfcribed it, is complying with Popery ZV's Hill. p. S38. ' To render the Puritans odi- ous to the Publick, all Enthufialls, without Di- ' llin&ion, were ranked among them; even Hacket and his two Prophets, 4rthington andCoppinger --- whereas there was not a fugle Puritan concerned ' with them.-----Mr. Cartwright writ an Apolo- ' gy for himfelf and his Brethren, againfl the Aiper- e (ions of Dr. Sutcliffe, in which he declares he had never teen Racket nor Arthington, nor ever ' had