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C ass J. e had any Conference with these by Letter or Mefi ` fage. The Fa& charged upon Cartwright was, that there had been tome Correfpondence between him and COPPINGI±R; that he had neither difivaded him from the Detgn, nor acquainted the Government With it. This, by Mr. N's own Accourt, Cart- wright does not'denv, which he (hould havedone, if he intended to anfwer the Charge brought spina him, and not contented himfelf with declaring, he had never feen Racket or Arthingeoon. There is vide Confpi. another famous Puritan, Mr.. lf'zggington, who is racy for pre_ particularly charged, as being acquainted with the tended Re- Men and the Detign. Mr. N. p. 473. defcrioes form. p. 28. him as a warmNonconformitt, but lays nothing in 88. particular, to acquit him of the Charge. Racket himfwlf, when he was put upon the Torture, named Wiggington as one, that if he was well fifted, a,d ítridly examined, would utter and declare fundry Matters of Treafon, as we find in Mr.StrIpe, who makes the following Obfervation. ` What Un- Strype's Ann. derttanding there was between thefe Wretches voi.16: p.7a. (Hacket, Copsínger and Prthington) and Mar-pre- ` late and his Company, may be gathered from Part a Letter from, Coppinger to Udal, who was then a Prifoner in Southwark, telling him, that the Cáufe why he repaired not unto him and the reti who were in Prifon, fo oft as he was wont to do, was for Doubt of more Trouble and Danger that might grow to them thereby; and that in refpeét of an Action he had to do." This '\&ion was, declarin. the Queen had forfeited the Crown, and proclaiming Hacket to be King of Europe by a fpe- cia! Appointment. Ns Hill p. 358. ` Ar the Opening of the new Parliament, Feb. 2. (Feb. 19. fay the Statute-Book and -D',Ewe's journal) the Queen dignified her Pleafure to the Hoiul., that they might redrels loch popular Grievances as were complained of ` its their feveral Counties, but thould leave all Mat- ` ters of State to herfelf and the Council, and all 4, Matters relating to the Church toherfelf and the. Bithops. WTlaat an inli nitïcant thing is a Repre- A a q ` fetuative