[356J fentative Body of the Nation, that muff: not med- dle with Matters of Church or State! Had Mr. N. looked into the yournal of Parlia- ment, to know what was done there, he would have found a fatisía&ory Account of this Matter. D'Ewe'sjour- The. Kingdom was now in the utmoft Danger, xal P. 458. and the Seafon being far advanced, the Seflion could be but thort ; and therefore the Lord Keeper, after having reprefented the Danger that threatened the Nation, (peaks in the following Manner. ` Her Majetty farther hath willed me to signify unto you, that the calling of this Parliament now, is ` not for the making of any more new Laws and ` Statutes, for there are already a fufficient Number ` both of Eccletìaflical and Temporal; and fo ma- ny there be, that, rather than to burden the Sub- ` je& with more to their Grievance, it were fitting an Abridgment were -made of thofe there are al- ready. ` Wherefore, it is her Majetly's Pleafure, that the Time be not (pent therein ; but the principal ` Caufe of this Parliament is, That her Majefly ` might confult with her Subjects, for the better ` withflanding of thefe intended Invafions, which ` are now greater than ever were heretofore heard 4 of. And whereas heretofore it hath been ufed, ` that many have delighted themfelves in long Ora- ` tions full of Verbotity, and of vain Ottentations, ` more than in (peaking things of Subftance, the ` Time that is precious fhould not be thus fpent. The Seons cannot be long, by reafbn of the Spring ` Time; 'tis fit that Gentlemen ( hould repair to their ` Counties, the Juflices of Aflize alfì° to go their Circuits. So the good Hours should not be loll ` in idle Speeches. But the little Time we have thould be bellowed wholly on fàrch Bufineffes%as ` are needful to be confidered of." Could any thing be more ferviceable to the Nation, than to prevent wallingTime in Difputes upon Subje&s of lefs Importance, and making Divifions in the King- dom upon that account, at a Jun&ure when every thing that could be dear to an Englifhman was in fuck imminent Danger ; a Danger that exceeded that of is8$. Was this a Time to adjufl Difputes about