C s7 about Rites and Ceremonies, Surplices and fquare Caps? Was not the Danger great enough to em- ploy the whole Attention of the Publick? Such a Seafon feemed to require fotnething like the Di&a- torial Power among the Romans, which a Man may, from the Topicks of Liberty, inveigh againft, when the threatening Danger is over, with as much Propriety as Mr. N. does now againft thofe uncom- mon Meafures the Queen found her Pelf obliged to take at fuch a critical Time. Happy for Great Britain! that there was no Quarrel at this Jun&ure between the Queen and Parliament; and that our Forefathers were not fo ready to oppofe their Prince, as the Author of the Hillory of the Puri- tans willies they had been. His Words, upon this Occafon, {hall fpeak for him. ` IF (fays he) there had been a Spirit of Englfh Liberty in the Houfe ` of Commons, they would NOT have SUBMITTED fo tamely to the Infults of an arbitrary Court, ` which arrefted their Members for Liberty of Speech, and committed them to Prifon, which forbid their redreffing the Grievances of Church ` and State, and Pent for their Bills out of the Houfe, and cancelled them. Thefe were fuch A &s of Sovereign Power, which none ofher Ma- jetty's Ancettors affurn'd, and which colt one of her Succetfors his Crown and Life. N's Hill. p. 589. ` Thus the Puritan Clergy, were put upon a Level with Rogues and Felons, and made to hold up their Hands at the Bar, a- ` mong the vileit Criminals.' This is a Remark Mr. N makes, after he had given an Account of two Profecutions. The one he gravely calls Mr. Darrell's Suferin s, for pre- tending to caft out unclean Spirits. The other he calls Mr. Allen's Cafe. As to Darrell the Au- thor, Mr. N. quotes, viz. Strype, Life of Whitgift, P. 492,, gives this Account. ' When the open Praeli- ` ces, for fettling the new Difcipline, would not prevail, there was a more fecret Method made Ufeof, by forne of their Ildinifiers, ofdoing fome- ` thing that looked little lefs than miraculous, namely, the calling out Devils, from Perlons ti a 3 4 pre-