C 358 , pretendedly poffeflèd by them ; that fo the amaz- ` ed Multitude, having a great Veneration for thetb Exorcifers of Devils, by the Power of their Pray- ` ers and Failings, might the more readily, and ` awfully fubmit to their Opinions and Ways ; ` which likewife, was a Practice borrowed from the Papitts, to make Netts revered, and to con- ` firm the Laity in their Superttitions. One ofthefe was Darrell, B. A. a Minifter of Nottingham, who, at la(t, after many Years Exercifes of his Frauds, in and about that County, viz. in Lan- ` cafhire, and Derbyfhire, was brought before the Archbithop of Canterbury, the Bithop of London, and others of the Ecclefiaftical Commiffion ; be- ` ing about the Age of three and twenty, or four ` and twenty, and thenno Minifier, be took upon hire call out firfl one Devil, and then eight Devils, out ` of a Maid in Derbyfhire, of about feventeen Tears old, whole Name was Catharine Wright.' His Succefs feems to have been molt remarkable with the Female Sex ; for, in a few Lines, we hear of him again at Mr. Starky's Houle in Lanca/hire, dif= poffeffing, lays Mr. Stryype, feven Perlons at one Clap, whereoffix were Women. What a demure Account does Mr. N. give of thefe Dilpoffeflions. ` This Divine, fays he, was of Opinion, that, by ` the Power of Prayer, the Devil might be cart out ofPerlons poìfeffed ; and, having try'd the Experi- ment upon one Darlin of Burton, a Boy of about ` 14 Years old, with Succefs, and upon fume others, (not a 'Word of Catharine Wright, &c. tho' that was the firft Intlance in the Place he quotes) he ` was importuned by one of the Miniflers, and le- ` veral of the Inhabitants of the Town of Nottin- ` gham, tovifit one WilliamSomers, a Boy that had fùch convulfive Agonies, as were thought to. be preternatural.' The Cafe of this Boy, was the Oc- cation of Darrell's being punifhed. ' At lait, after a full Hearing, Pays Mr. Strype, before the Arch - ` bithop, Bithopof London, the Lord Chief Juftice ` of the Queen's Bench, and the Lord Chief Juftice ` of the Common Pleas, Dr. Ceefar, Matter of Requefts, Dr. Byng, Dean of the Arches, and others ; the laid Darrel was, by fullAgreement of the