Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[359 the Court, condemned for a Counterfeit and, ' together with More his Companion, bothdepofed ' from the Minitlry, and committed dole Prifo- ' Hers." Darrell indeed, when he was in Prifon, made a fòletnn Proteflation of his Innocency, and defended the Do&rive of difpoffefling evil Spirits, by Fatting and Prayer. ' One would think (lays Mr. N.) here was a Plot of fòtne cunning detign- ' ing Men to conjure the People into a Belief of the D f ipliae, but all vanifhes in the Principles ` of a weak, and (as Mr. Strype confelles) honed Man, whole Name was Darrel." Mr. Strype fays, this was a weak, or honeft Man (ball I call him, writ a Book, while Prifoner in the Gatehoufe. 'Tis upon the Credit of this Book, and his Pro- tettation at the Clote of it, that Mr. Strype feems to differ from the Opinion of thofe great Divines and Lawyers, in the high Commillion that unani- moufly, upon a full Hearing, condemned him as a Counterfeit. But all vanifhes, fays Mr. N. in the Principles of a weak Man. Were there no others then concerned with him ? Was not More con- demned with him ? Does not Mr. Strype mention Mr. Rilderfham, another Miner, as allowing a Book in Conjunction with Darrell, wrote by Rice, a Sadler, upon the, Difpoffeflion of the Boy of tq. Years old, and contra&ed by Mr. Denni,iin, ano- ther Minifier. Of the dilpoffefBng the leven Per- fons at Mr. Starkv's, one Mr. Deacon, Preacher at Leigh, wrote a Book, which Book was jut-titled by More, another Preacher ; which "Wore had joined himfeif with Darrell in that pretended Difpoffeflion of fix Women, in one Houle. Darrell himfelf declared, that Aldridge, another Minier, wrote ro him, after having wrote to two other Miniflers, who were abfent from their Homes. And that Darrel, Aldridge, and two other Miniflers, with ago of the Neighbours, affembled in Prayer and Fatting, for difpoffeiling Somers. This Somers afterwards owned the Fraud, and then denyed ir. Afterwards he was brought before the Lord Chief jutiice, and then he confeffed again the whole Courte of his Díffmulation.p Darrell, however, wrote a Book, after this, to prove that Somers A a 4 was