[ 361 that Performance, and not to give a compleat Ac- count of all the Tranfa&lions of thofe Times. It had been more conducive to that Peace and mu- tual Forbearance, for which Mr. N's Preface declares a Regard, if he had fuffered this Part of Hiflory to reft whole and entire in Mr. Strype and other Authors, who have largely writ upon it. If impartial Readers are convinced, that the Author of the Hiftory of the Puritans has greatly foftened, or entirelyomitted what is unfavourable to that Side, while every thing that is thought to tend to the Dif- honour of the Ettablilhment, is highly aggravated ; that, were a Man determined to raife a Contention among the Proteflants of this Kingdom, he would treat the publick Worthip and Government of this Church, and the great Founders of it in the fame Manner, and call them by the fame opprobrious Names as the Hiftory of the Puritans has done ; if this thall be the Judgment of impartial Men, the Writer of that Hitlory mull be thought no Friend to Concord and mutual Forbearance, or utterly miflaken in the Steps he took to advance them. Good old Father Fox, as it feems, who reallymeant to promote true Piety and Charity, very pathetical-. ly recommends a Method dire&ily contrary to that purfued by this Hitlorian. His Advice was, to dropStrype's Ann; entirely all Difputes about thefe light external Vol. II!. Ap- things ; to forbear all perfonal RefleEtions, or pend. p. 22G, Arguments drawn from the Chara&ers of Men; to overlook the Failings of Protefiant Brethren ; to join Hands in planting the Faith, in inculcating Rogo in Domino, ut Pacem profequamini, extirpetis peccatum, Evangeliflarumopera perficiatis, ut de rebus his levibus externis non ampliuslitigetis, ut Regnum Dei pro- pagetis, ut caufam cum caufa in his Controverfiis notlris, non perfonas, peccata, nævos fratrum cum cautis pande- retìs, quid vobis cum fratre labente ut judicis partes fuf- cipiatis? Domino fuo fiat aut cadit. Jungamus dextras in plantatione fidei, in inculcatione bonorum operum, in Jefuitarum profligatione. Hoc of fatis operis pro nobis. Alter alterius onera portemus, & fic adimpleamus legem Cbrifli. Diligamus mutuo, & fic cognofcent omnes nos ejus efY'e Difcipulos. good