Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

29 and Danger, Teems no inconfiderable Difadvantage -- An exceptionable and difputed Title, a powerful Rival, an empty Treafure, no Friend, no Alli- ance abroad to fupport her ; at Home, the Clergy, the Magifhates, the Popu- lace, all againft her in the Alteration. At the fame time, the inviting Allure- ments of Quiet and Security in a Throne, to engage her to continue Religion as the found it. Such a State of Affairs illuftrates the Warmth and Sincerity of the Queen's Zeal for the Proteftant Religion, and thews the NeceJity of her ufing great Prudence and Caution in the Introduction and Eftablifhment thereof. That the Queen proceeded with Zeal and Prudence, will appear upon a Survey of her Conduó. 'Tis a confiderable Argument in favour of her Meafures, that they did, by the Blefling of God, effedualiy e/labli/h the Proteftant Religion againfl the moft violent and moft univerfal Oppofition that could poffiblybe made to it. What would have been the Succefs of other Methods and other Schemes, 'tis no fmall Felicity we are not able to de- termine. However, let us take a ge- neral View of the Queen's Proceedings which were fo fuccefsful. _`. The