Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C3s CC of receiving the ,4uguflan Confefon, " the better to join in League with " the German Proteflants, as one of " the Bifhops wrote to a foreign Di- " vine." There is a very remarkable Letter from the , learned /linger, chief Paflor of the Church of Zurich, upon. this Occafion. " I fee, fails he,Ibid. " no fmall Diflurbances like to arife, ` even in England alto, if the 4ugu- " flan Confeon be received, which " force would have ; a thing very un- worthy in many Regards. This, " lays he, gives Vexation to all the purer Churches,, and would infe6t cc them all with its Leaven. I pray ", God reftrain Men otherwife pious, but fufficiently troublefome, to godly " Men and the. purer Religion. And " you knowwhat was done in POLAND, beware, and lay to your helping Hand, that it be not received." He then adds a Declaration of great Im- rortance, cc KING EDWARD'S REFOR MATION SATISFI4TH THE GODLY. Video & in Anglia non modicas obíturas turbas, fi quad quidam (rem indigniffonam niultis modis) poftulant, reci- piotur 4«gsifiana Configio. Vexat hæc omnes £cclefias fin- ceriores, & cupit fuo fermento inficere otnnes. Deus co. herceat homines falls alioquin pion, at pietati puriori mo- lefias. Et to fcis quid fa tum fit in Polonia. Cave, & adjuva, ne recipiatur. Satisfacit piìs Edwardi Reformatio. E Epift AIS. in Bibbedh. Ecclef. Belg. Lod. vide Strype. D z The