0441 ment or Authority ; inflead of that, the Affiflance he offered was, to his no little Grief and Diffatisfation, refuted. He likewife obferves that, in drawing up the Articles, the Compilers next to the Scripture and Doctrine of the pri- mitive Church, had an Eye to the Juguftan Confefon, the Writings of MelanEthon, who was invited over hi- ther ; the Works ofErafmus ; and the Erudition of a Chriftian Man. This Book was published in King Henry's Reign, and had the Approbation of moll of thofe who compiled the Ar- ticles and, 'tis very exprefs againfi.. the Cakinifiic Notions, as to univerfal Redemption, falling from Grace, and Free Will. As the Articles were come pofed chiefly by Perfons, not of Calvi- niftic Sentiments, and underwent no material Alterations as to thefe Points, in the Review ; fo they mull, at least, be thought to be left in media ; and, accordingly he remarks fame of the Calvinists, Cartwright andhis Follow- ers in the Admonition, &c. objected to the Articles for this Reafon. The Candour of this Gentleman will for- give theFreedom that is taken with his Performance in drawing this imperfect Sketch, only defìgn'd to excite the Reader to perufe the whole of it. 'Tis