Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

C 4s 'Tis eafy to obferve, that Mr. N. too readily falls into thenarrow Spirit of his Puritan Friends, when he con- demns this Latitude, and reflets upon the Queen, for being inclin'd to think, that Articles might be too narrow. N', Hie, When the Reader obferves what isP 123. faid by Bithop Burnet upon this Head, he will eafily determine whether. the Queen's Moderation deferves to be cen- lured or commended : " From the Preface to " Days of Queen Elizabeth, Pays thistt'eformatthe " eminent Prelate Things did ge-vot. rr. " nerally put on a new Village s ` and " this Church has, fince that Time, " continued to be the San1uary and " Shelter of all Foreigners, and the " chief Object of the Envy and Hatred of the Popifh Church, and the great cc Glory of the Reformation, and has cc wifely avoided the fplitting afunder, cc upon the high Points of the `_Divine cc Decrees, which have broken fo many cc of the Reformedbeyond Sea, but in " thefe has left Divines to the Free- " dom of their feveral Opinions. Nor " did íhe run on that other Rock of cc defining, at frff, fo peremptorily, " the Manner of Chrifl's Pretence, in ee the Sacrament which divided the " German and (Helvetian Churches ; "`v but