[ 68 " much Ufe of force Pafiages of the cc Schoolmen and Canonifts that deny " them to be difinc`t Offices ; for thefe cc are the very Dregs of Popery, the cc one raifng' the Priefl higher for the " Sake of 'franfubflantiation, the other t` pulling down the Btfhops lower for cc the Sake of the Pope's Supremacy ; cc and by fuch Means bringing them cc aimoft to an Equality. So partial cc are Home Men to their particular cc Conceits, that they make Ufe of the cc moft mifchievous Topicks when they cc can ferve their Turn, not confidering cc how much further thefe Arguments " will run, if they ever admit them." Mr. N. imputes thefe Sentiments of Home in the Reignof King Henry VIII. to the Reformers under K. EdwardVI. tho' in the Preface to their Ordinal, they expre/ly declare the contrary. A particular Infelicity feems to attend the Hiflory of the Puritans upon thisPoint, r 594- the feveral Orders of Miniflers ; the Author tells us often,. that the Puri- tans believed two . Orders of Miniflers, " They acknowledged, fays he, but two " Orders of Clergy of Divine Inftitu- °` tion, viz. Whops or Priells, and Deacons ;" and yet nothing is more plain from the whole Strain of Puritan Books, than that they did not think a Deacon