Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[ 69 Deacon to be a Clergy Man, nor would allow him toat as a Minifter. Their Admonition to the Parliament is fo au- thentick a Declaration we need quote nothingelfe. "The Deaconfrhip, fay they,mufl not be confoundedwith Admonit. the Minijiry." And fo wärm were they in this Matter, that they defir'd the Parliament " to injoin DEACONS " not to meddle in Minifiers Matters; ibid. p, 7 " and if they do, to fee them fharply " puniíhed." By this odd Account of Mr. N's it plainly appears, thePuritans believed Two Orders of Clergymen ; ONE of which in their Opinion was no Order at all. Thus has Mr. N. fucceeded with the Doctrine and Government of theChurch; let us now attend him in confidering the WOK/hip thereof, which, with a few proper Alterations, is another Part of K. Edward's Reformation that Queen Elizabeth eftablifhed. Here again the is fo unhappy as to incur this Gentle- man's Difpleafure. Faultlefs Perform- ances are not tobe expected : The molt labour'd publick Form of Prayer will fcarce be above all Exception from eve- ry different Party. Some Prayers of a private Compofition have been very affe&ionate and proper; but others, greatly indecent, and filch as no Con- F 3 gregation