Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

[713 affea Innovations may be prevented. The Puritans did; not pretend to object, that the publick Prayers were framed in an unknown Language, or not di- reted to the proper Object, or not of- fered thro' the true Mediator, being conceived in the Englijh Tongue, and addreffed not to the Virgin Mary, to Saints or. Angels, but to God the Fa- ther, Son and Holy Ghoft, arid offer- cd,in the Name of our Bleffed Savi- our, the only Mediator and Advo- cate : Nor did they complain, that the Matter of them was fuck as did not become Jinful creatures to offer their great Creator. An humble Confefon of their Sins, with an earneft Depre- cation of God's Wrath --Promifes of future Obedience, with warm Requefs for divine Affillance to fulfil thofe Pro- mifes Praifes and Thankfgivings for Mercies fpiritual and temporal al- ready received, with fuitable petitions for future Favours, and proper Pray- ers for all Orders andDegrees of Men. Thefe, with Plaints and Hymns, taken out of . Scripture, or agreeable there- to, the Leffons of the Old and New Teftament (forne few of the Apocry- pha being read upon Week Days only) (compote the Service of the Church of 4 Eng-.