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f_ 76 ] Nothing can be more charitable than the further Declaration they make " In thefe our Doings we condemn no `c other Nations, nor prefcribe any " thing but to our own People- only ; for we think it convenient, that " every Country fhou'd ufe fuch Cere- " monies as they shall think bell, to the cc Petting forth of God's Honour and cc Glory, and to the reducing of the cc People to a molt perfe& and Godly " Living, without Error or Superíliti- " on. The Reader will take Notice, that the . Difpute with the Puritans was not, whether there fhould be one uniform Manner of Worfhip,. or every Man left to ufe what Prayers he pleated extem- porary or precompofed in his own zsrs Hitt. Church., " They did not difpute the p. 236. " Lawfulnefs of fet Forms of Prayers' AForm of Prayer was then ufed in all the Churches, Geneva, Scotland, &c. Bithop Burnet gives the following Ac- $urnet'sHitt,count of the Matter: " I do not find Refor. p. 72. cc (lays that learned Prelate) it was col. dl. cr ever brought under Confideration, whether they fhould compote a Form of all the Parts of divine Worfhip, or leave it to the fudden and extem- porary Heats of thofe who are to officiate, which forme have called, finte'twat Time, worfhipping by the Spirit Cc CC CC « cc CC