Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

8o ] Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and many Portions of Scripture mixt with odious Superftitions, is it unlawful for us to ufe the fame, FREE from thofe Superfli- tions ? Can any Man of Senfe think it finful to offer up the following Peti- tions in the English Tongue, only be- caufe a Popifh Prieft ufed a Latin Prayer to the fame Purpofe : " Lord " of all Power andMight, whoart the cc Author and Giver of all good Things, cc graft in our Hearts the Love of thy cc Name ; encreafe in us trueReligion cc nourifh us with all Goodnefs, and cc of thy great Mercy keep us in the cc fame, thro' Jefus Chrift our Lord.' Or this Prayer : " O Lord, who haft " taught us, that all our Doings with- " out Charity are nothing worth, fend. " thy Holy Ghoft, and pour into our " Hearts that moil excellent Gift of " Charity, the very Bond of Peace and " of all Virtues, without which, who- " foever liveth is counted dead before " thee. Grant this for thine only Son Jefus Chrift's Sake." The true and only Queflion for a peaceable Chriftian, is not who has ufeda Prayer, but what the Prayer is ? If this be fuitabie tohis Condition, and every Way proper for him to offer ; it is not incumbent upon . him to enquire further, nor lhou'd he throw