C82] Friend to Peace, Charity and true Piety, to run the Hazard of any fuch Contentions and Divifions in the pub- lick Prayers. The Government too wife to change a good Eflablifhment for fuch a Scene of Difcord and Con- f2fon ; nor were they willing fo far to fubjed the .`People to the Power of the Clergy, as to leave the Alteration of the publick Prayers to the entire Pleafure of every Parifh Minifter. This Projed of Mr. N. for thus altering the Publick Prayers, feems the more extra- N's Miff. ordinary, fince he tells us, "'Twas im- p. 16/. " poffibie, with all the Affiílances they " could get from both Univerfities, GC to fill up the Parochial Vacancies cc [which were at moft but ioo] with cc Men of Learning and Character." P.156. Again Pag. 172, " Archbifhop Parker " vifited his Diocefe this Summer, Ann. Dom. cc r I 561] and found it in a Deplorable 1561. " Condition ; the major Part of the " Beneficed Clergy being either Me- chanicks or Mafs-Priefts in Difguife." Moil of the inferior beneficed Clergy kept their Places ; there were only one hundred Parochial Clergy difplaced out of nine thouf"nd four hundred Pa- rochial Benefices ; and was it either fife or prudent for the Sake of that landful of ten, who came from G'e- ne 'aff