Maddox - BX9329 M3 1740

E 83 I new, to inveft every Clergyman of the Kingdom with a Power of altering the Liturgy, when it muff unavoidablyhap- pen, that thofe who might be moll con- ceited of their Abilities to alter the publick Service, would be leaft capable of fuch a Work ; and in this Scheme every Man was ëompleat Judge what he would change, and what he would put in the Room of it ? As to making a Prayer before or after Sermon; it was a Praóice very common at that Time; nor has Mr. Ni been able to give one Inftance of a Minifter cenfured upon that Account ; but as to changing and altering the publick Service; it could not be expelled. The Church Prayers, were highly efteemed, as expreffbng all our Wants, and containing nothing fin= ful. 'Teas therefore thought the mod safe and quiet Method to continue the general Life of them. 'Tis not the Defign of thefe Papers to enter at large into thefe Controver- fïes, or offer every Thing that has, or may be Paid, upon this Subje t. The little fuggefted will fatisfy the Reader, that the Objections made by the Puri- tans, againft the `.Uodrine, Government and Worfhip, eftablifhed by Queen Eli- zabeth, are very weak and frivolous ; and aalfo Phew that the Efiablifhment C_2 of